If you’re looking for the meaning of it all, better not try to decode this record: "Somewhat absurd... like, 'Pony'", says Richard Dorfmeister about the conceptual side of "Pony - No Hassle Versions".
No meaning might have a meaning here. A certain lack of meaningfulness describes the nature of Tosca pretty well; on their equine record even more so. Releasing an album of remixes of their most recent work stays in tradition with the Tosca modus operandi. There's been at least one remix album for each 'original' Tosca album to date. In the case of "No Hassle", Tosca’s 2009 longplayer, this might make even more sense than before, since "No Hassle" was an introspective work. "Pony" brings the more club-oriented face of Tosca to the forefront. To put it simply, Tosca, the project of the two Austrians, Richard Dofmeister and Rupert Huber, combines bass-heavy downbeat music with abstract soundscapes of found sounds and material from numerous studio sessions. When these recordings are handed over to remixers like Smith & Mudd, Grant Phabao, Nicola Conte, Stevie Kotey & Robin Lee, Rodney Hunter, Bottin, Spirit Catcher, Pete Herbert & Phil Mison, Kalabrese and the KuK Streichquartett everything changes; texture, dynamics, structures. Still, "Pony" is a true Tosca album; the sound signature of Dorfmeister and Huber cannot be superseded by a remix.